Promote wellness in the fire service as powerfully as possible.

We’re totally, 1000%, fiercely invested in the mental health of firefighters. Our unique strategy is to get ahead of the problem. Yes, prevention.

What does preventative mental health look like? Changing your habits. Learning how to navigate your reactions. Rescuing yourself first.

We call this SELF-COMMAND.

Firepower X is a rebellion against dry clinical advice, depressing PTSD statistics, and career burnout. We serve firefighters.

Join our community and connect with a bunch of passionate people sharing their knowledge to help you master yourself and your craft.

Hosted by

  • Jess Ward is the CEO of Athinka and a neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) master practitioner. Having served 8 years in fire/EMS, Jess now trains self-command with the goal to modernize firefighter wellness. She also holds a BSc in anthropology from the University of Toronto. A traveler at heart, Jess has volunteered on every continent. [MORE]

meet the team.

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